Industry placements Help to develop and shape the workforce of tomorrow

Young student in a engineering workshop using machinery

Join our T Levels industry placement programme and help your business and young people take a small step towards a career that's out of this world.

A two-year qualification designed to give students a head start towards their desired career. For employers, it includes a 45-day industry placement (per year) that can help them find and develop new talent.

The government developed T Levels to deliver world-class technical education and give learners a new choice after GCSEs. Launched in September 2020, they offer 16 to 19-year-olds an alternative to A levels and the chance to acquire real-life vocational experience through industry placements; it helps young people develop their knowledge, attitude and practical skills to thrive in the workplace.

T-Level students spend 80% of the course in the classroom, learning the essential skills that your employees need. The other 20% is a meaningful industry placement, where they put these skills into action.

Designed by employers for employers

T Levels were designed with leading businesses to bridge the gaps between educational theory, soft skills development and work-based knowledge.

Become a partner

Industry Placements make up 20% of a T-Level programme, ensuring learners gain valuable soft skills and on-the-job technical knowledge. An industry placement is at the heart of each T-Level course, allowing you:

Early access to the brightest talent

Shape the future of your industry

Help with your day-to-day operations

As an employer, you will gain a dynamic employee you can train in specific areas of your industry. At the same time, commitment to industry placements will raise your company's profile as T Levels gain more public exposure in the future. Industry placements are already helping employers, and their businesses go further.

A student dressed in protective clothing sitting at a table with an experienced staff member being shown details on a computer screen

Employer cost and responsibilities

T Levels industry placements are a free government scheme - you do not need to pay to take on a T-Level student for a placement.

There may be certain business costs, like time invested in planning, training and supervising, and you can choose to pay the student if you wish.

Employers need to provide:

  • A safe work environment
  • Opportunities for the student to develop their technical skills within your industry
  • A line manager to support, supervise and mentor the student
  • An induction which includes explaining relevant policies and procedures
  • Formal feedback on the student’s progress against the agreed learning goals at the end of the placement

Benefits of T Levels Industry Placements

Shape the Workforce of Tomorrow

Shaping students to help provide the workforce of tomorrow who will be able to address current and future skills shortages.

Smart Recruitment

T Levels students are an ideal solution for entry level skills, and it helps you build a pipeline of talent for junior positions or apprenticeships.

Fresh Perspective

Students bring a fresh perspective into your business and strengthen your recruitment pipeline.

Coaching & Mentoring

Your employees will have opportunities to hone their coaching and mentoring skills.

Help with your Day to Day Operations

Students act as an extra resource for your projects and day-to-day operations.

Promote your Company

An opportunity to promote your company as employers to young people.

Diversify your Workforce

Giving opportunities to students from a wide range of backgrounds can help to diversify your workforce.

A group of students with an experienced staff member being shown details on a computer screen
Childcare student sitting at a table and interacting with young children

Placement Journey

  • 1

    Express your interest

    Talk to a member of our award-winning team on 01509 515461 or email them

  • 2

    Select a student

    We will help you find the right student as per your business needs. And we can also help you interview suitable candidates.

  • 3

    Make sure you are compliant

    Get your workplace and staff ready to host the placement. We will guide you through paperwork and any policies or procedures you may need to have in place.

  • 4

    Set a start date

    We will work with you to ensure the placement fits around the student’s studies.

  • 5

    Agree on working objectives

    Agree and confirm as to what the student will do and how you will manage them.

  • 6

    Decide if you want to pay your student

    There is no legal obligation to pay for T Levels industry placements. However, you can choose to pay the National Minimum Wage to the student.

  • 7

    Manage the student

    Assign someone to line manage the student during their placement, track progress against their objectives and give regular feedback.

  • 8

    Write a reference

    At the end of the placement, let the student know how they performed during the placement.

  • 9

    Decide if you want to make a job offer

    At the end of the placement, you can talk to us about hiring the student after they finish their course. And you might want to take on another student.

Partnership stories

Discover the transformative stories of partners in 'Shaping Futures.' Explore case studies that highlight limitless potential for your workforce.

Become a partner employer

You can join this education revolution right now, and it's easy to become an industry placement employer.

Become a partner

At Loughborough College, we have an industry-leading business engagement team who can answer your questions and discuss the options you have for finding, developing and keeping your workforce of the future.

Our team will provide complete support to you through the entire process, and will also discuss and resolve any issues relating to the industry placement with regular check-ins.

T Levels frequently asked questions

Do I need to pay the student?

Industry Placements aim is to develop the students work place and technical skills. Therefore, there is no legal requirement or expectation that students will be paid, as it is part of a course. However, you can pay students if you wish.

What do I have to do for an industry placement?

We want to help you design a placement that will benefit your business and teach young people the skills you look for in an employee. It would help if you made sure the work environment is safe, the student has a line manager to support them and provide an appraisal of the student's time on placement.

Can I interview the students before they start their placement?

Yes, when supporting a student with an Industry Placement, you can interview them before starting. Our employability coordinators will promote placement opportunities to students and ensure they apply to them. We will then be able to submit applications or student names for you to consider interviewing.

Do college staff visit the student when on industry placement?

Yes, as part of an Industry Placement, a college member of staff will visit the student while on placement three times. And this contributes to the development of the student while on placement.

What paperwork do I need?

We ask you to record the number of hours a student completes while on placement. We also ask for some feedback while on placement. However, we will go through this before the placement starts.

What hours does the student need to work?

Industry Placements need to reflect the industry; therefore, full working days are desirable. As part of an Industry Placement, a student needs to complete a minimum of 315 hours. However, we do understand that hours may change within different sectors.

What responsibilities can the student do while on placement?

We ask all employers to go through induction with the student to comprehend what is involved. We expect students to support or lead tasks that reflect the industry that matches their course. And this will allow students to develop the essential skills and experience needed when working in their chosen sector.

What support will I get?

You will receive support at every stage of the process from our award-winning team, who will ensure that students are ready to be productive members of your workforce.

A dedicated team with experience across multiple industry sectors

Unlock success with our dedicated Account Managers, spanning diverse industries. Benefit from their experienced expertise, tailored solutions, and unwavering support for your unique needs.

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