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Electrical Installation Learners Visited by Workplace Safety Campaigner

Posted: 16th November 2023 - 4:17pm

Electrical Installation apprentices got an important reminder about electrical safety this week when they heard from campaigner Louise Adamson, whose brother Michael suffered a fatal electric shock whilst working.

Sharing important information about accident prevention, Louise gave two powerful presentations about the mistakes made and the lessons to be learnt from Michael’s story.

During the moving presentation, learners were encouraged to speak up if they had health and safety concerns and urged to never stand back and do nothing when faced with concerns. Louise also shared her own involvement with Families Against Corporate Killers (FACK), a national non-profit organisation which campaigns to stop deaths in preventable workplace incidents and directs bereaved families to sources of legal help and emotional support.

Electrical Installation lecturer James Taylor said, “Louise put over her message from personal experience and the importance of if you see something unsafe don’t be afraid to speak up. Safety is one of, if not the most important aspects of working in electrical installation, and to hear Louise’s story really demonstrates the gravity of good practice in the workplace.”

Louise’s work as a campaigner and workplace safety speaker began over ten years ago following her brother Michael’s tragic, and preventable death. Michael was killed when corners were cut on a last-minute rush job which included his employer not following health and safety protocols.

Her mission to reduce the number of people who are killed or injured in preventable workplace incidents has taken her across the country, and she was voted Safety and Health Practitioner’s Most Influential Person in Health and Safety in 2018 for her advocacy.

Tristian Stapleton, first year apprentice with JTL added, “Louise’s talk makes you think about health and safety a lot more and reminds you of the correct procedures you need to go through to work safely.”

Safe isolation is a vital procedure, crucial for working on or near live electrical systems. This process was a central part of Louise’s presentations and is paramount to our own Electrical Installation courses, making up a core principle of our learning.

Charlie Foster, another JTL first year apprentice concluded, “It makes you understand the risks more when you hear a real-life story like Louise told. The potential dangers really hit home.”

Louise’s powerful presentations were overwhelmingly well received by all our Electrical Installation apprentices and students, and highlighted the power they have to ensure they and others are safe in the workplace.