After a busy period of revision, exams, and assessments, results day can be a worrying or nerve-wracking time for many, especially with the disruptions over the last few years. Though stress around exam results is completely normal, Loughborough College has got some top tips for taking care of yourself as you receive your results over the next couple of weeks.
Self-Care isn’t Selfish!
We know, it’s easier said than done! Small habits, like drinking plenty of water, getting a good night’s sleep, and keeping busy and active can make a huge difference to managing your emotions. Take five minutes to remind yourself that you have done all you can, and whatever the result, there are options and support available! You are never on your own.
Talk It Out
Speaking with a trusted friend, or family member can ease your worries and help you see things from another angle. If you feel this way, you won’t be the only one! Spend some time to think about who you want to receive your results with, anyone who can help you work out a plan, be kind and supportive, and remind you how much you have accomplished.
Give Yourself a Pat on the Back
You have made it through exam season, and no matter the outcome, that deserves recognising! Writing down a list of your achievements can put everything into perspective and demonstrate just how far you’ve come. Be kind to yourself, and remember what a fantastic achievement this is. Well done!
Plan Ahead
Whether you get the results you want, or if it hasn’t gone to plan, there’s always options available! Make sure you’ve researched what to do, and if you’re looking to study a degree, that you’re familiar with the Clearing process. Loughborough College is now open for Clearing, with degrees awarded by prestigious universities and awarding bodies. Your next step might be something you haven’t considered yet, so take some time to look around.
Help is on hand, whatever your outcome, here at Loughborough College. The Learner Welfare team are available to offer any support, advice, and help. Arrange an appointment with Learner Welfare, and we can find some time for a free, impartial, and confidential chat. We’ll support you, and help you make contact with external services if needed. If you find yourself in need of some in-the-moment support, you can contact ChildLine, Samaritans, or other wellbeing services found here.
Finally, remember, if your results aren’t exactly what you were expecting, it’s not the end of the road. We are so proud of what you have achieved, and getting this far is amazing! You are much more than just your grades, and even if you are emotional, or worried, you have got so much to be proud of!