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What is…Performing Arts?

Posted: 29th January 2024 - 3:55pm

From dance to theatre and so much in between, Performing Arts spans a wide variety of creative disciplines. At Loughborough College, our learners have the opportunity to explore an expanse of elements and showcase their skills across College and to the wider community.

In our latest ‘What is…?’ blog, we pull back the curtain on our Performing Arts provision, and speak to lecturer Emma Ledsam to learn more about what it means to be under the spotlight at Loughborough College.

What is Performing Arts?
The Performing Arts are artforms such as dance, stand-up comedy, and theatre which are performed for an audience. Performing Arts are present in all cultures across the world with history dating back to at least Ancient Egypt. Used to entertain audiences, express emotions, and convey messages.

What do you learn?
At Loughborough College, our students spend time learning a variety of essential performance skills, working on techniques ranging from acting and voice to dance and movement. Learners have numerous opportunities throughout the year to showcase their performances in front of audiences, including our legendary annual pantomimes!

We currently run two exciting and immersive Performing Arts courses. On the BTEC Level 2 Performing Arts and Production Arts Industry Skills course, learners explore the role of a performer, developing and honing technical performance abilities. Students get a first-hand experience of performing in front of real audiences and spend time creating an invaluable portfolio of skills ready for their next steps.

For learners on the BTEC Level 3 Performing Arts course, students delve into important industry knowledge, learn more about life as a performer and develop sought-after skills such as creative thinking, problem solving, and resilience.

Lecturer of Performing Arts Emma Ledsam shared, “Students explore a huge range of forms of theatre and performance developing and honing their performance skills in preparations for their next steps after Loughborough College.”

What are some highlights?
Alongside our highly anticipated yearly pantomime performances, learners can showcase their skills through a series of exciting productions throughout the year. Last year, Level 3 students received amazing feedback from disCONNECTED, a gripping drama surrounding themes of loneliness, technology, and social media.

Emma reflected, “The project developed from an exploration of the impact of AI on human relationships and quickly broadened into a discussion on how loneliness and social isolation affects us all.

“Students shared their own stories and responded to the stories of real people from around the world to create a piece of innovative theatre that felt important and moving.”

Inspiring trips to theatres across the country are also embedded throughout the year, with opportunities to visit local and national institutions including Leicester’s iconic Curve Theatre.

Students also have exclusive chances to learn from professional performers through in-person workshops, and fascinating online Q&A sessions. Most recently, learners were visited by professional stand-up comedians for an interactive workshop, exploring improv and comedy skills.

Where can Performing Arts take me?
Former students who successfully complete Performing Arts courses have since gone on to expand their learning at university and high profile specialist drama schools, and continued to create exciting careers in film, media, and TV. Among them is Roby Singh, who has appeared in blockbuster series and movies on Apple TV, Netflix, and Disney+ and Payal Mistry, who made history as the first female lead in the West End’s Life of Pi.

To learn more about Performing Arts at Loughborough College, how to apply, and what to expect, visit our website.