College Students Inspired by Tsunami Survivor's Talk

Thursday 2nd May 2024

Students from across Public Services, Travel and Tourism, and Higher Education welcomed an inspirational speaker to College this week to hear the first-hand account of a tsunami survivor.

Dave Burgess, a survivor of the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, shared his harrowing experience with students, shedding light on the resilience of humanity in the face of adversity.

"It was incredibly moving to hear about the strength and courage exhibited by someone who endured such a catastrophic event," shared student Brooke Stevenson. "As part of our Disaster Management module, we really need to understand the complexities of major events and emergencies in order to help our communities."

The talk was organized as part of the disaster management module, designed to provide Public Services students with practical insights into handling emergencies and crises. By hearing from someone who has navigated through a major disaster, students gained valuable perspectives on preparedness, response, and recovery efforts.

Through engaging with survivors and experts, students have not only gained important insights but also found inspiration to become proactive members of their communities.

Curriculum Manager for Public Services, Tim Turner added, “Dave’s dynamic talk really helped students understand the importance of emergency preparedness. The students were engaged and respectful and I believe they got a lot of invaluable insight from Dave’s visit.”

The talk sparked meaningful discussions from students about the importance of disaster preparedness with one student asking Dave about what he has learnt from his experience. Dave responded, “You only live once, and it’s important to give back to society.”

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