Component 1: Media Products, Industries and Audiences
Component 2: Media Forms and Products in Depth
Component 3: Cross-media Production - Non-Exam Assessment
(NEA/coursework) module
Year 12:
We study 6 industries in this year from a range
of theoretical frameworks (ways of understanding and analysing the media)
- Music Videos - language and representation
- Advertising - language, representation, and audience
- Newspapers - language, representation, industry and audience
- Video Games - industry and audience
- Radio - industry and audience
- Film - industry Theories we cover in this year include (but are not
limited to): genre, feminism, stereotypes, binary oppositions, fandom,
encoding/decoding, cultural industries.
Year 13:
We study 3 industries in this year from all
4 frameworks:
- Global TV
- Alternative and Mainstream Magazines
- Online Media (Social media and websites)
- Theories we cover in this year include (but are not limited to):
postmodernism, gender performativity, identity theory, and 'end of