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Student Engagement

International Students

Looking for our International Website? Click on the link below to go there.

International Website

Funding is available for both full- and part-time students, with the exception of help with travel costs, council tax, and the Residential Support Scheme, which are for full-time applicants only. Confidential information and advice is available to help you manage your money and apply for financial assistance.


Do you want to make a difference to your education? Then join the College Committee! There are two positions open to new students. If you're interested then pop into Student Engagement in The Little Space to find out how to put yourself up for election.

You will:

  • Work with the Students' Union and lead on the Freshers' Fair and events throughout the year
  • Have the opportunity to be elected as a Student Governor, attending monthly Governors' meetings
  • Represent students at a range of College and Union meetings
  • Work with Course Reps to ensure that the student voice is heard

Your College Committee represents the student population on the board of governors. We support Course Reps in taking your views forward and we help to support you with social and fundraising events. We also work with the Student Union Exec to promote and enhance the facilities available to you.


Loughborough College and Loughborough Student Union's RAG actively encourage learners to get involved with fundraising so that we can raise as much money for charity as possible.

There are special events such as Children in Need, Sport Relief and Comic Relief to get involved with. Students can also arrange a collection of 'gifts in kind' e.g. food for the homeless, items for animal rescue centres etc.

Our job is to help you think through your plans and to make sure all the legal aspects, such as Health and Safety, are covered. We can also support you with practical issues such as fundraising equipment, booking a stall etc.

Email: student.development@loucoll.ac.uk
Phone: 01509 517171
Student Development Room: B118


The Student Forum is open to all Loughborough College Students to come and have their say.

Student Forums are organised by the Loughborough Student Union in collaboration with the College.

The Forums will be chaired by the Loughborough Student Union and they will focus on ways to improve teaching and learning, policies and procedures, College developments and service delivery. The Student Forum invites College staff as required depending on the topics that arise.

Contact the Loughborough Student Union on: President: Josh Hurrel
Email: president@lufbra.net
Vice President Education: Becky Lauder-Fletcher
Email: vpeducation@lufbra.net
Vice President of Democracy and Communications: Hannah Chrisp
Email: vpcommunications@lufbra.net
Phone: 01509 635 000


Last year we had 226 Course Reps working across the College, so why don’t you put yourself forward and join this network! If you want to become a Rep, just let your tutor know before elections. It's a great opportunity for you to get involved in developing what the College has to offer and your input will have an impact now and on future generations to come. You will receive training from the Student Union and you will be asked to attend two Course Rep conferences throughout the year to support you with your role. This will look great on your CV and will allow you to demonstrate your skills to employers and universities.

Being a Course Rep provides many training opportunities and allows you to improve your leadership, communication and negotiation skills. Course Reps represent the views of students at course meetings and tackle issues that matter. You will be invited to attend Student Forum meetings and conferences throughout the year to discuss changes that would make the College a better place. This will involve working with the College Committee and College Management.


Student well-being is important to us and we organise a number of Awareness events in a combination formats including displays, stalls, external visitors and special events which take place in the College's corridors throughout the year. Provided is information on health, personal safety, diversity, sustainability and support available to students.

We actively welcome student contributions such as artwork for displays and are happy to work with groups who would like to help.


Sign up to volunteer and you will gain Student Involvement Award points, information on volunteering in College and with local volunteering organisations (e.g. Voluntary Action Leicestershire or Loughborough Students' Union Action) and you will be kept up to date with news about the Student Involvement Awards including Volunteer of the Year.M

We also have information about micro-volunteering including volunteering online and on your mobile and random acts of kindness.

Volunteering is great for boosting your employability or making your UCAS form more attractive to potential universities.

We can also help you find 'one-off' or online volunteering opportunities or something to do together as a tutor group.